The Working Hipster's Clojure

Posted on December 19, 2012

Lately I have been working on a project for my Applications of NLP class here at Université de Lorraine. The project consists of extracting a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar from a small corpus of sentences and their semantic representations and then using that grammar to generate new sentences (or hopefully at least some of the original sentences!) from new semantic representations.

However, in order to extract a plausible Tree Adjoining Grammar from a corpus, the trees have to have certain characteristics typical of the ones produced by TAGs (the most important one being that arguments and modifiers are never siblings). Sadly, the parser we used to process our corpora (Stanford Parser) does not yield such pretty trees and we were thus forced to postprocess them. Xia and Palmer propose an algorithm for normalizing parse trees for TAG extraction (From Treebanks to Tree Adjoining Grammars). Instead of implementing their approach, we chose to write our own algorithm, since we had trouble seeing how theirs offers a systematic account for some of the phrase trees in our data and since our fragment of English was quite limited and so were the transformations we needed to perform.

We weren’t sure how the algorithm would work exactly, but we managed to go from nothing to a working solution in the space of one afternoon. Our process was to start with a naive program, run it on the data, query the results to find potential problems, introduce constraints in the algorithm to fix the problems we found and repeat until all problems were resolved. After that, I extended the algorithm to one more phenomenon which we have discovered and tried to make it fit for public display by replacing inside jokes with comments.

I wrote the program in Clojure and since I wanted to post something about how I use the language, I decided to go with this. It’s not a pretty program by far, but throwaway code is code too, so here goes. You can see the final “program” with all of the debugging scaffolding, development code and some documentation thrown in here. The program isn’t designed to be compiled and run, but it is rather a collection of definitions useful for building a program that solves my problem. Also, it is dependent on having access to the data I run it on, so you might have a hard time running it on your machines.

I will discuss some of its parts now but instead of focusing on the algorithm itself, I will spend my time talking about some of Clojure’s features and libraries I ended up using (for dubious benefit, I admit) which are quite rare in mainstream languages. Namely, it will be logic programming, metaprogramming facilities and dynamic scoping.

Logic Programming

At first I was very optimistic about finding a solution to the problem. I imagined formulating the algorithm as a sequence of tree-rewriting rules of a form like this:

  (PP Z W))
  (PP Z W))

The rad thing about rules like this is that they are dead simple to implement using unification:

What is nice is that I get to use unification for checking the input template, capturing values from the input tree and also filling them in to the output template. Sadly, such simple rules have shown to be not flexible enough for our problem. Nevertheless, I still stuck with the idea of using logic programming, my courage bolstered by having just made it through The Reasoned Schemer without any serious head injury. I feel that it turned out to be a good choice, even though I hit some rough spots with respect to termination.

Here is a useful predicate I have defined along the way. It works just like Prolog’s append/3, but it is variadic, meaning it can take an arbitrary number of arguments. This has proven to be very useful in destructuring lists (see fix-flat-npo for example use) given that the alternative (in both Prolog and “vanilla” core.logic) is to introduce lots of new variables. A gotcha I encountered when writing this predicate is that if you write it with the recursive call at the tail and then invoke it with a fresh first argument, the solver will find all the correct solutions, but when asked for more, it will never terminate (Fun, right? OK, by now you might’ve guessed I’m into this whole logic programming thing only because functional programming was getting way too comfortable and mainstream).

One more example.

The thing I like about the predicate above is the conde statement in the middle. conde is the core.logic way of writing down disjunctions of goals, but it also has a lot to do with cond and branching. The interesting thing about this goal is that it handles two cases which look quite different but share a lot of the same logic. In a functional way, I would have to do some branching to handle the shape of the input and extract the necessary values from it (lines 12 and 14). Then I would have to do some general computation with those values (all the lines outside of the conde) and then branch again, constructing the correct output for both of the input cases (lines 13 and 15). With logic programming, I get the freedom of rearranging my statements without much repercussions (see last example :-)). This allows me to take all my branch dependent code (the input destructuring and output construction) and put it in one place, evading the needlessly complex double bifurcation one would most likely end up with in a functional program (another way to evade the double branching in a functional program would be to abstract the common computations into functions, but given the number of values that need to be computed and their simplicity, this approach would have been quite cumbersome).

Metaprogramming Facilities

In the last example, you might have noticed the strange ^::rule incantation up in the function definition. What’s up with that? Well, in my algorithm, there are several ways you could take a phrase tree and do some normalization on it. I define these rules as binary relations between the original tree and the normalized tree. I then want to traverse the input tree bottom-up and try to normalize every node using any rule that fits. For that, I will need a relation that is basically a disjunction over all the defined rules in my system.

One way to do this would be to have a place in your program where you manually call all the rules you have defined one by one, but then you have to update this list of calls everytime you rename/add/remove a rule. Another way would be to create a big data structure and store all the rules inside of it as anonymous functions. Depending on your language, this is probably not the most convenient way to write and test functions. In Clojure, you can have the comfort of defining the rules the way you would have naturally and also of not having to maintain an extra list of calls to your rules, thanks to its metaprogramming facilities. But before we go any further, let’s look at the strange series of glyphs that started this whole discussion.

In Clojure data structures (ergo, also in Clojure code), you can annotate collections and symbols with metadata. Metadata are simple Clojure maps and you can associate them to an item such as a symbol by putting ^ followed by a metadata map and the symbol you want to annotate, as in ^{:how-meta? so-meta} hipster-symbol. A lot of the times, you want metadata entries which serve as boolean flags and so there is syntactic sugar for that, allowing you to write ^:approved idol instead of ^{:approved true} idol for any keyword, such as :approved. Finally, there is also syntactic sugar for a keyword qualified in the current namespace. If the current namespace is music.genres, you can write ::post-indie instead of :music.genres/post-indie. So, by writing ^::rule fix-adjunctiono in my namespace grook.preprocess, I am basically saying ^{:grook.preprocess/rule true} fix-adjunctiono. This way of prefixing symbols with modifiers might be familiar to you from the access modifiers and type tags of the C language family and indeed, Clojure uses this system for the very same purposes too. The great difference between the hard-coded keywords of those languages and the system used in Clojure is that the Clojure one is completely extensible (just like XML, even with the namespaces (code is data)).

OK, now back to the metaprogramming part. Whenever you evaluate a def form in Clojure, any metadata you put on the symbol that names the new Var is inherited by the defined Var itself. This Var is a reified entity inside your program, meaning you can query and work with it as you would with any other value in your program. So, for example, we can write a macro that generates that long boring disjunction for us (OK, the generated disjunction in my program is not that long since in my program, I only have two rules, hence the dubious benefit I talked about in the opening).

As a side note, if you want to use this in interactive development, you have to be aware that simply removing a function definition and recompiling your program will not remove previously defined Vars from your running process, meaning that rules which you remove from your source file will still apply. This can be easily fixed by clearing any Vars defined as rules from your namespace before evaluating your definitions (see top of the final program).

Dynamic Scoping

During the development, we wanted an easy way to see what our program was doing. Specifically, we wanted to have access to the constituents it identified as adjuncts in the context of their parent phrases. I could hardly imagine doing this in a purely functional setting, but luckily, I had the freedom to switch my perspective from the functional model of computation, which has helped me write my algorithm, to the imperative model of computation, where I could start thinking about how my program gets executed and insert the necessary trace statements. To aggregate all the interesting values, I used a global variable, more specifically an Atom, one of Clojure’s reference types.

It soon became obvious that inspecting the tree fragments by themselves was not enough and that some link back to the original tree would be necessary. This proved to be another tricky problem to solve by pure functional programming. I have the names of the trees at one place in the program but then I call some function which calls some other function which calls another function which calls yet another function from which I would then like to access the current tree name. Ideally, I would do something like this, but due to the rules of lexical scoping, it would fail.

In imperative languages, this would be solved by storing the current tree name in some ad-hoc instance or global variable. However, Clojure offers us a slightly more elegant solution based on an alternative to lexical scoping known as dynamic scoping.

One way to imagine the process of variable reference resolution in lexical scoping is the following: when the program tries to resolve a variable reference, it starts traversing the blocks of code surrounding the variable reference inside-out until it finds one which declares a variable having the same name. This means that variable references can be resolved by just looking at the source code, making the program easy to reason about. Lexical scoping is also one of the key mechanisms in lambda calculus and gives us nice tricks like closures. However, sometimes we might like to use a different resolution strategy.

Contrast the above description of lexical scoping with that of dynamic scoping: when the program tries to resolve a variable reference, it starts traversing a stack of variable bindings top-to-bottom until it finds one which declares a variable having the same name (you can think of it sort of as the call stack, though function calls don’t have to correspond 1:1 to variable bindings). This means that when you access a variable in dynamic scoping, you don’t necessarily know where it was bound to its current value. This kind of stuff is really wild, but it can be quite useful in controlled doses.

Here I define the dynamic (note the metadata keyword) Var *current-tree-name*, which can be thought of almost as declaring that the symbol *current-tree-name* will have dynamic scoping in this namespace. The asterisks around the identifier are called earmuffs and are a common convention when naming dynamically scoped Vars. In every iteration of my tree processing loop, I bind the dynamic Var to a new value, which pushes a new value on to the stack of its bindings which is then accessed in record-adjunct.

We could have done the same thing using a global variable, but even in a simple scenario like this, we can see some advantages to using this more high-level construct. The stack of dynamic bindings is thread-local (as is the call stack) meaning that no other thread will be affected by our new binding. Furthermore, once we leave the scope of the binding, our value gets popped from the stack and the original value is automatically restored, which prevents a class of bugs if we would start manipulating the variable in nested contexts. In summary, the value of *current-tree-name* after running our computation stays the same as it was before and no one else can see a difference in its value while it is running. Since I am using an Atom for the global mutable list of performed adjunctions, I could run this code on several threads at once without any possibility of race conditions and without having to change the code to make it somehow explicitly thread-safe.

Now, there is one more feature of dynamic Vars which I will reveal to you and which will let us solve our problem in a cleaner manner by getting rid of the global variable adjunctions. When a thread-local value has been bound to a dynamic Var, it is possible to use the set! special form to modify its value. This might seem like a cop out given Clojure’s emphasis on immutability (it certainly seems more like a part of its Lisp heritage than its lambda calculus heritage), but it opens new doors for us. More specifically, it enables a kind of bidirectional communication between functions running on the call stack.

This program does have some nice properties. We no longer have to worry about the state of a global variable (which becomes a tangible concern even in programs as simple as this if what you want is to keep running new and new code live from the REPL). fix-tree now has a nice interface. It performs the tree normalization and can also report on the adjunctions it performed. Its docstring might say something like this:

If you bind a value to *fix-tree-adjunctions*, a record of every
adjunction performed by fix-tree will be conjed onto it. If
you also bind a value to *fix-tree-current-name*, it will be
incorporated into the generated records.

Now I can use fix-tree on arbitrary trees without it mutilating a global variable that holds the results of my experiments. Parfait!

Well, not parfait yet. We can still make this simpler and therefore prettier. Our habit of passing down the current tree name in a dynamic Var came from the times when we used to store all of the traces in a big global variable. Now it kind of sticks out and doesn’t really make sense. After all, all we really want to do is to just pass a trace of the performed adjunctions back to the top-level caller.

Now we have a function that doesn’t muck up any shared state and whose results are determined solely by its inputs. At the same time though, it can easily yield a detailed log of its activity if the caller opts in to it by binding a value to which the log should be appended before calling the function proper. We managed that just by hooking up our code with calls to a very brief logging function instead of having to translate our code into some monad (if your code already was in a monad and all you had to do was to apply a monad transformer, then more power to you :-)).

OK, that’s all I’ve got today. You can find the full program at

Further Reading

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